GPS time return to be 1999

Hi, we use about 70 pepwave routers, last month, on the 6th of April, 9 of them stoped recieving gps data.
Its seems that we get the date 1999 (we recived it from a device that connected to the pepwave).
all of the working and non working devices have the same version 7.0.0 build 2445.
I read about a gps bug that accour at the same date.
what can we do to resolve it?
attached link about the bug

@Oren, you may want to refer to our announcement made earlier.

Looks like those should be the Telit modules. You can download the 8.0.0GA firmware which fixed the issue.


Thanks WeiMing,
I upgraded the frimeare from 7.0.0 to 7.12 and then to 8.0.0
Now, when I’m doing refresh to the web page of the unit, at the first seconds I see the correct time and I assume that I get also the correct location, but after few seconds the date changed to 16 sep 2030.
Do you have an idea what it can be?

@Oren, can you submit a ticket here (with a serial number and RA turn on) for our team to take a closer look?

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