FusionHub in Google Cloud Platform Failure After Applying Solo License

I am at wits end.

I previously successfully had a FusionHub Solo License running in GCP to provide secure access to resources in my VPC. Now when I create a new instance, I can get to applying the license, but once I allow the reboot the web admin site no longer responds. I changed nothing about the firewall from the previous successful instance and this instance has the http-server, https-server, and fusionhub tags. The fusionhub tag allows TCP 32015, 2222 and UDP 4500, 32015, and 5550 (my eventual port I want to run on).

In my InControl portal, I can see that the instance claims the solo license but that is it. I cannot use the remote admin and the status remains offline.

When connecting to the serial console of the instance, I get nothing. This makes me think that even though the dashboard reports the instance is running, it is not.

I followed this guide (Configuring FusionHub for Google Cloud Engine) during the first (successful) and second creation of the instance and I am using the same custom image I created for the first instance ( fusionhub 622 build 1370).

Using an Ubuntu Desktop instance I have on the same VPC, pings to the private IP address do not respond and the web admin site does not respond using the private IP address (like I do for my Max Transit router I use for my home network).

To state again, once the instance is initially created, I can use the public IP assigned to go through initial setup all the way through the license application but once applied and I get the rebooting message, nothing responds.

Looking for the community’s thoughts on next troubleshooting steps because I am at a loss.

Side note: I should have either a) created a snapshot of the original working instance or b) just stopped the image instead of complete deletion. I have learned my lesson.

Thanks for any help.