VPN AND VLAN Outbound policy

I want to use my vpn with different account and I want to give to each account a rules (VLAN or outbound policy)
Is there a way to do it .

You can create multiple tunnels within a PepVPN profile and treat them separately with outbound policy rules. Simply click on the “?” in the upper right hand corner of the PepVPN profile.

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Could you tell me where I can find the pepvpn profile


What will you be using for you VPN connection? Is this a site to site connection or will this be a user to site connection?

If you’re setting up PepVPN between two sites you can follow this guide here. This will cover using both IC2 and creating a profile directly on the device.

If you’re looking to setup a device to user VPN we have a guide here that walks though setting up L2TP on the Peplink side and on various operating systems.

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I am using l2tp vpn connecting with my phone. It’s working no problem. Just I want to put rules on this connection as well outbound policy as I will give other vpn access , and I don t want them to have access to all my neetwork . You tell before it is possible but I don t know where to do it, where is vpn profile. Could you help me with this

This setup can get complicated and can be handled in several different ways. I would recommend reaching out to your point of sale and work with them directly. They should be able to help evaluate your needs in more detail and show you a setup that would work best for what you are needing to do.

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