Two Subnets Allowing Traffic


I have a Peplink 310 and a generic WIFI/Router

The Pinklink Address is

The Generic WIFI router is:



On the Generic WIFI router I have two hard wired servers. One is a Windows Server DOMAIN Controller with Active Directory, the second is a File server

Problem: Computers on the Peplink router (192.168.1.x) are not able to authetnicate (or ping for that matter) with things on the 192.168.3.x network

I called support and they had me add a static rule

Destination network: subnet: /24 Gateway:

this is not working

I saw some other forum posts regarding firewall rules, and I’ve been testing fire wall rules out (which are probably incorrect and I’ve tried many and Do not even know if this is the problem) but that is not working either.

What other configuration changes could I create?

Hello Paddy,

Thank you for the post. I do know that you have opened a service ticket on this issue and we are continuing troubleshooting there.

Thank you again for your patience in this matter while we get to the bottom of this issue.

Best Regards,


The Peplink Team