Texas fusionhub hosting options

I’m looking for additional options to host a fusionhub in Texas.

(vultr is fast, but I found yesterday that multiple sites are blocking select information on their sites when accessed via a vpn on vultr, but not other vpn providers, and they seem to be blocking multiple vultr locations from texas to georgia.)

You will have this issue no matter where you host unless you bring your own IP block or host on your own. We host out of Vultr but bring our own ASN and IP block, but even then the IP block is routed via an aggregate block that is tagged as “non-residential”

Edit to say that you can always get your own colo space and peer with a transit provider that way too.

I guess I have been lucky – I have not had this issue with another cloud provider in the last 4 years, but they do not have a texas location.

It’s not about being in texas, it’s about the reputation/use of the IPs and aggregate blocks as well as the ASNs. Depending on what you want to use it for, certain services may block traffic from IP blocks depending on how those blocks are used. It can even depend on how you register your ASN / block with the RIRs.

No, I’m looking for an option in Texas because of latency.

I have two options which are outside Texas, cloud providers which are not blocked by these same sites, but they add 20ms.

I could try and route traffic to these sites through my non-texas fusionhub, but I think it would be time consuming to get all the different IP destinations which might be used by the sites which are blocking vultr. (A few years ago I wasn’t able to make destination outbound rules work based on destination domain, so trying to put rules in place manually based on destination IPs seems like it could be too fragile and too many rules.) So I’m wondering if I can find a cloud provider similar to vultr but with a cleaner IP reputation. (the other two cloud providers I used before vultr seem to have a cleaner IP reputation in this regard, but aren’t in texas.)

Yeah I get it, but there is a non-zero chance that your other providers will soon have their IPs blocked in the same manner affecting you. Best solution is a colo with your own ASN/IP block.

I’m also located in Texas and use Vultr in Dallas, but I do maintain a colo in Austin because of the same latency concern you have.

If you want to look at VPS in Dallas, I’ve looked at these guys before but didn’t pull the trigger: Dallas 10Gbps Dedicated Servers - Free Setup

I really dislike all the bad actor bad scraper and bad bot activity… it makes things difficult for the rest of us trying to use vpn to stay securely connected :frowning:

(I had to block a lot of bad traffic from gthost IPs a year ago in another job, so I suspect they may have similar problems to vultr.)

So far so good with the other cloud provider I’ve been using for years now that I found from the forum here… I myself have not had to block one of their IPs/ranges for bad scraping/bot activity, but they have much, much more limited location options.

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send me which provider you’re using, i’d like to check them out :slight_smile: also, how much space do you need? i may have space in a rack i’m about to turn up in Austin that I could lease out…

but agreed, to all the bad actors out there: screw you!

Google Compute Engine has a data center in Texas, Dallas I believe.

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