SOTG doesn't recognize Sierra MC7455

SUS-AGN1 does not recognize Sierra MC7455 when plugged in via USB adapter.
Same adapter with an MC7455 is recognized by the HD2.

Looks like the modem package needs to be updated on the SUS-AGN1.

Do you still having issue on it ? Make sure the device is running latest firmware.

If you still having problem, please open a support ticket for support team to check.

Yes, still having issue.

Current firmware version on youf web site 1.0.28 (build:1278) has not been updated in over a year (2016-09-15) on the SOTG, and has modem package 1019 which does not recognize the Sierra MC7455.

Current firmware 7.0.2 on the HD2 has modem package 1022 and recognizes the Sierra MC7455.

The SOTG needs firmware needs to be updated with the newest modem package. Is there a way to load the modem package independently?


Why is there no response to this question?! I’m having this issue and it seems peplink is ghosting on this issue!

I have responded here.

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