Request to show YEAR-MONTH-DAY when perform "get eventlog"

Hello all, I am writing some shell scripts to help me analyze a problem that I am having with a service provider. I am using the Balance CLI. When I run get eventlog I get the expected output except for the date format, there is no year information in the date. So for example the output will start with Jan 21 18:04:00,some error.

The CLI documentation shows an example of the output and the date format is in the format of YEAR-MONTH-DAY. I can not find any switches to change the date format in the event log. Has anyone else had a similar problem, or a fix for this?



Hi Steve,

The documentation was last updated on the year 2013. The date format you got is correct. This should be feature request if this format - YEAR-MONTH-DAY is needed.

I will move this thread to the `feature request.

Thank you.

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FYI, I consider this to be a bug, not a feature request, omitting year information from a error/event log makes error analysis difficult.
