Redundant power Max Br1

Can i have power connected to the terminal block and the DC power supply connected at the same time to get power redundancy?

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Yes you can. This is a great feature of our MAX product family!



A closely related question … A customer wants to power a few BR1 Mini LTEAs via the coaxial connector and the “wall wart” as well as connect 12-14VDC from a battery to the terminal block/header – the objective being power redundancy. We want the OEM 120VAC-12VDC switching power supply to be “primary” and have the power supply fail over to the battery contented to the terminal block if, and only if, the switching power supply (“DC IN”) fails.

In looking at the available documentation, we don’t find any reference as to how the inputs are configured from the factory to work, and no user configuration is found. Can you tell me “how this works” as-shipped? Will the factory config meet our objectives. What is the behavior of these units in the situation I’ve described?


Hi Rick, this sounds like out-of-the-box behavior already - have you noticed any different?

The idea here is that the barrel connector is providing constant DC voltage via the AC wall wart and the terminal connector is taking direct DC voltage for failover/redundancy such that it will not reboot.



OK, Tim. NO - we have not seen otherwise. That’s the exact behavior for which we hoped. We’ll test it before putting into production – I just wanted to hear what the intent was – and I have that information now.

I appreciate your response.