Multiple Devices Requiring Port 80 Access

I have seen this before, but I do not remember how to do it.

I have 2 x Axis Cameras that I need to be able to access. My choice on the camera for ports appears to be ports 80/443 only. In this case I have only two cameras, but what would happen if it was 3?

I need to be able to hit each one of the separately and remotely minus any VPN.

Any help would be great. I know can’t use the same port for two devices. Thx!

What you’re asking for is port mapping.
This is where you open up a port on the outside IP address (ie Port 81) and forward it to the right and different port on the internal device (ie port 80)


So external ports 81-85 (or whatever you want) could be setup to all point to their own cameras.

In a perfect world you really shouldn’t have any ports forwarding to internal services. Any open port can be discovered. I just did a searcha nd found over 4000 cameras on public IPs top 5 hits were AXIS cameras with at least one showing live view video.

A safer approach would be to use a VPN. Either a remote user vpn or a device to device PepVPN so you don’t need any ports mapped to cameras at all.


Got it! Thanks for the quick reply…I forgot where that was.