More CLI & SSH features

I would like more command line features like “show config” to where I can compare my 18 MaxHD products and look for inconsistencies or edit a config and paste it to a new Pepwave coming on line. Also the ability to SSH FROM a Pepwave TO another devices such as a Checkpoint or Cisco while in the Pepwave CLI or WebUI.

I would appreciate to enable a feature in the firmware that we can use " public keys for SSH authentication" with Putty and Pageant. For example to make it possible to upload a public ssh key via web ui or CLI.
This would ease up login and maintenance if you admin more than just one router…
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Would be nice if we can ssh or write a script to ssh in and restart tunnels. Currently whenever a IPSEC vpn tunnel is down, we would have to get our operators to restart it via a custom program that send http requests to restart the tunnel (reason being operators don’t have read/write priviledges).