I’ve been dealing with call-centers since 1997. This is by far the most chaotic disconnected Telco I’ve dealt with regarding call centers. Neither the Residential nor Business have a clear understanding of their own departments and both barely know about the other enough to be useful in the almost two weeks with dealing with them.
I’ve been around the block with T-Mobile trying to resolve this. Like literally 4-5hrs a day for the last week (except weekends when they are closed). Least 20 techs between Philippines and the USA. First 3 days were the idiots going in a circle with the account not knowing how a business internet account works; clear by how no one there KNOWS that they only have one auth server: tfb.t-mobile.com but these clowns on both sides are telling me to go to the residential login for business or if business phone accounts off that business tab? Seriously, they don’t even know their own site to notice the login goes to the same serve LOL
No one has a clue there, no one knows how the business internet works, it’s really bizarre. No one there looks at case notes, I’ve had to tell a few to shut-up with the script and read the account notes. When you ask them how their process works, and they answer, “It’s complicated” well, it’s clear they don’t even know.
I’m not saying it doesn’t work for others, and that others haven’t got it working.
But having had to deal with other hotspot/4g/LTE options in the past with verizon & at&t and as stated built data-centers and dealt with call-centers with issues building the various services; T-Mobile is clearly a goat rodeo at the business side.
If you start as a consumer and convert to business, T-Mobile is absolutely worthless. They should just tell people to close their shit and start fresh anew.
I mean almost two weeks and various actions on their side to flush out the Account Hub details of my account?
All the errors I get have been on their side, 404s, 500s, all server side errors that shouldn’t happen. So, from an IT perspective, I see a lot of mickey mouse shit going on with account migrations between the two sides.
Just utterly frustrated.
If the line account cancel/close and recreate anew doesn’t solve it. I’m just dumping T-Mobile and going Verizon / AT&T. Or if staying T-Mobile to through another data provider of their services.
I’m too old to be dealing with amateur hour Telcos when AT&T and Verizon in my experience require very little to just get working.
We’ll see how the recreate works of the line tomorrow.