Layer 2 Bonding issue with dynamic routing protocol , EIGRP

Dear Peplink,

We are rolling out a project consisting Peplink layer 2 bonding to inter connect HQ and Branch networks.

Branch LAN –>> Router running EIGRP –>> Peplink –>> Internet << – Peplink <<– Router running EIGRP <<– LAN HQ

We simulated using Peplink 580 at both end , running on firmware 5.4.9 , able to receive full EIGRP route from HQ.

We are UNABLE to receive full EIGRP route from HQ , when we simulate using Peplink 310 running firmware 5.4.9.

Does Layer 2 Bonding need to be from same model of Peplink ?

Please help. URGENT. :frowning:

Sorry, We couldn’t receive the full route when use Peplink 580 at one end and Peplink 310 at another.


We will simulate this issue in our lab and get back you soon. Thanks for reporting.

We cannot simulate your case in our lab. Can you send us a diagnostic report of this case on both devices by creating support ticket? Also please enable the remote assistance on both devices. Thanks.

Where should I create the support ticket ?

I have enable remote assistance in Peplink 310(Branch) and Peplink 580(HQ) .

You can create the support ticket and submit the report here. Thanks.

Notes for public:

This one turned out to be a Cisco configuration issue on customer’s side, not on the Peplink Balances’ side.
“Layer 2 Bonding with dynamic routing protocol (EIGRP) on the LAN” is supported with Peplink Balances.