InControl2 on ESXi

I have an new InControl2 up and running at but user cannot login, hit the error below…please help. Thanks

Please send the DeviceID that you find on the Control Panel to [email protected]. They will provide you a demolicence.

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Just sent email, please review and provide license, thanks.

license applied, but still getting the same error, can you help?

It seems to be working now. Otherwise please try Ctrl-F5 or clear cache.

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No, it doesn’t work. I’m using “Private Browsing” mode, should not be cache issue.

On the control panel, I find you have the option “Only Allow MSP Administrators to Create Organization” checked. I suspect you’re logging in not as an MSP Administrator. That’s why you see the problem.

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OK, thanks for the tips, it seems to work now.