InControl2 Down?

Is anyone else having issues with IC2 today?
We can access the login page and log in. We are then presented with the normal “select your organisation” page but when we click on the Organisation we want to manage, the page fails to load.
We are not having issues accessing any other resources.
Thank You

Hello GNO-2014,

I have just checked but IC2 seems to work fine for our company.
Maybe something wrong with the WAN connection speed at your end?

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I just checked it looks fine. Do you see the same problem with another browser? If yes, could you DM me a screenshot of the error screen? If possible, press F12 and send us any error message showing on the browser console. Thanks!

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I have just checked it and its working now. Was about two hours I was unable to access it.
No an issue with connection or IP address, sitting on 360Mbps and even tried accessing it from SpeedFusion in a different country.
All the time I was able to access the two attached pages but the final home dash would fail to load.

It is strange. We didn’t receive the similar report from other customers. We also didn’t receive any alarm from our monitoring system. We will monitor more closely. If you meet the same problem next time, please send us a screen shot (with URL) as well as the date and time. Thanks!

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Not IC2 but I had issues accessing today. Was getting an error page from Cloudlfare.