Help with Failover?

We have a working IPsec VPN between an ASA5510 at the main office and a Peplink Balance 30 at a remote office. It appeared that enabling failover would be a two-step process:

  • on the Peplink under Network | IPsec VPN, at the bottom of the Profile, a second WAN Connection was added to the WAN Connection Priority

  • on the ASA5510 a second ‘set peer’ was issued so that the crypto map now reads "crypto map Outside_map 3 set peer a.a.a.a b.b.b.b’ where a.a.a.a and b.b.b.b represent the static IP addresses of the two WAN Connections on the Peplink

With the Daskboard of the Peplink showing the status of the two WAN Connections as Connected, and the IPsec VPN showing as Established, the first WAN connection was unplugged from the Peplink. The Dashboard quickly changed to show No Cable Detected for the unplugged WAN Connection, and Connecting for the IPsec VPN, but the VPN never recovered.

What additional steps are required to make this work?



please create a support ticket regarding this issue.


Thanks Dave, we might want to setup a support ticket to take a closer look at your config. Could we please submit a ticket at