Going beyond the 100 SSID limit per group in Incontrol

Currently we have a customer with 130 Tourist Buses ( and growing), Each one with a BR1 mini to provide WiFI internet access for the passengers, for administrative pourposses, the Customer wants that each buss had a different SSID. Incontrol2 only allows to manage up to 100 different SSID per Group.
So we have to settle 2 groups for monitoring and administration purposes.
The customer is not happy with this, This limit complicates the configuration, SIM pool monitoring, and data reports.
Is there a way to increase or eliminates the 100 SSID limit in a group?

The good news is that, after reviewing the code, the system could now support more than 100 SSIDs in the same group. There is virtually no limit on the number of SSIDs now.


Quick and simple solution!
Love it!

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Great !!! we will try it

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