FusionHub VRF support in IC2

We’d really like to see VRF support come to IC2. One great thing about IC2 is the ability to have multiple independent groups under a single organization. SpeedFusion tunnel creation is made really easy through IC2, but you can’t currently setup/use VRF to keep those same groups’ traffic separate.


+a million

If we can get proper VRF support on FusionHub we can actually eliminate multiple FH deployments covering multiple clients and truly run FH as an MSP play.

but also, we should be able to have multiple WAN and LAN interfaces :slight_smile:

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As a general remark, anything that can be done on hubs or routers should be accessible on IC2 :slight_smile:

VRF implementation on the hubs always felt a bit weird. Your last comment points exactly the reason why we will probably never see this modified unfortunately. Hubs get denied a lot of these major upgrades for years.

I feel like I must insist on the fact that Fusionhubs are absolutely great and thank the team for all the major improvements we saw on them.

I’d like to see more resiliency features on the FHub before I’d risk mixing customers on the same vm.