Fusionhub Solo License Expired

Just like it says, my fusionhub solo license expired after 1 year. The web admin for the fusionhub solo in AWS will not allow me update the license. How do I fix this or apply a new license?

Not seen this before, suggest you log a ticket so the fusionhub team can take a look.

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I have a solo in GCP and one in Azure and none of them shows this behaviour. I got 2 month left to have a full year - wait what happens…AWS is another image, so there might be a difference.
I guess you download the active configuration and obtain a new solo license and create a new VM.
After initial setup import your configuration.


Hi All. Have we figured this out yet? Can someone purchase an ICS-012/-024 for the Solo?

We purchased an ICS-012 for a FusionHub Solo hosted by UpCloud just the other day. Worked as expected - one more year :slight_smile:




Does the FusionHub Solo license require some sort of renewal after 1 year? (I don’t use incontrol to manage it)

(Just wondering if I need to watch for anything in a few months when I approach the 1 year mark or if there is any risk of interruption?)

Yes to manage it in IC2 you need a subscription renewal.

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I just spun up a new license and ec2 instance after saving the config. Took me very little time and boom, fresh license.

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Yes to manage it in IC2 you need a subscription renewal.

I don’t use incontrol2 to manage it. I’ve only logged into incontrol2 to get the original license. (I can see the power of it, don’t get me wrong – I just prefer changing the settings on the device/instance admin itself since I don’t have a lot of devices to manage.)

Will the fusionhub solo require a license renewal at the one-year mark to continue to function or update through it’s admin interface?

Is there an automated renewal that I have to watch for in case it fails on the 365-day (or ?) mark?

No, the fusionhub license itself is free and remains fully functioning past the one year mark, the only cost is if you want to manage it via IC2.