FusionHub on Hosted Dedicated Server

Tried to set up FusionHub on a dedicated server with GoDaddy.com

When I run the VM Manager Workstation Virtual Machine, it knocks my server offline.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Unfortunately Go Daddy is one of the worst hosting providers I’ve ever seen. I suggest to change your hosting. never seen such problem personally.
Just please check that your dedicated server has enabled Intel-VT in the Bios. I know that Go daddy servers are not brand also. ( like Dell-HP-IBM ) they are just a box that has motherboard . CPU and RAM. very bad.

Were working on rolling out FusionHub hosting over the next few weeks. Feel free to sign up at the link for notification when it is available! This is completely cloud based and we’ve been running it for about 2 months bonding our connections at our warehouse for improved throughput and no downtime.


What service do you use?

I got a dedicate server from CloudSouth which offer good service with reasonable price.



FYI. I have successfully used elastichosts.co.uk for Fusionhub hosting. Service and support was good. Throughput was excellent.

Cloud South- Thank you sir!

Setup and running!