Dynamic DNS for SFC connection

I am using a Balance 20x and SFC. I need an IP address or DNS for access control to reach a server I manage. (I have been told you don’t support inbound traffic to the public IP address, and I understand this. I only need to be able to put the public address or DNS in an access control list.)

Dynamic DNS for mypep.link provides all kinds of DDNS, but none of it is the public IP address of the SFC connection, to allow me to use it in the access list.

(device).mypep.link is the public IP address from my WAN.
wan.(device).mypep.link is the public IP address from my WAN.
cellular.(device).mypep.link is the public IP address from my failover cellular connection
ic2-controlled.(device).mypep.link is the public IP address from my WAN

It would be nice to add
sfc.(device).mypep.link - to identify the public IP address of the SFC connection.

Again, I don’t need inbound traffic to the public IP address, just to identify where my traffic will be coming from for the server’s access control list.




@michele654, you can try a “simple trick” to enforce the device-IC2 traffic going out via the SFC by setting up an Outbound (OBP) rule, similar as shown below.

You can choose either Algorithm = Priority or Enforced

Once the OBP rule activated, you will be able to know your B20X-“SFC” IP from the IC2 (sample below).

Do give it a try and let us know the outcome.


@WeiMing That is wonderful, and works just as I need. Thanks so much!

Both the (device).mypep.link and ic2-detected.(device).mypep.link now show the SFC IP address.


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how do I use IC2-based mypep.link I can’t see it in my ic2 control page ?