Does wifi of B one consume cpu cyles?

If the goal is to maximize speedfusion vpn throughput from a B One, would I notice any difference between:
1.) using the B One’s built-in wifi, or
2.) connecting a separate AP to one of the lan ports, and make that AP handle the wifi encryption?

We have a few B One’s out there now, deployed in both scenarios. The difference in CPU utilization is negligible between wifi and wired.

Your SpeedFusion configuration and what other features you have enabled (like QoS, content filtering, DPI) will have a much larger impact on throughput.


I’d recommend going with the second option. When I tried running VPN through a B One with its built-in Wi-Fi, I noticed some slowdown, especially when handling heavy traffic. Adding a separate AP to offload the Wi-Fi encryption helped free up the B One’s resources, and it made a noticeable difference in overall throughput. I’d suggest using an AP with decent hardware though, so it doesn’t become the bottleneck. It definitely improved my setup when I made the switch.