DNS SRV Configuration for Lync / Office 365 requirements

Hi, Does anyone have experience in configuring SRV records for Lync/Office 365 requirements? Here’s the link for the Office365/Lync requirements:

I have also attached screenshots.

Thanks in advance!

The SRV record service is _sip and the protocol is _tls

so try adding the service as: _sip._tls

For the second SRV record: _sipfederationtls._tcp

No it wont work. It gives the same error. According to a mouse over for the field service it says that its basically the host name.

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With the above in the service field and you hover over the field it says: This is equivalent to _sip._tls.DOMAIN.TLD


May I know which model and firmware (version and build number) you are using?

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Peplink Balance 580, 5.4.9 build 2573
Peplink Balance 710, 6.2.0 build 1333

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I have feedback this in your ticket. Please follow up from there.

Thank you.

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