Cannot find the IPv6 feature/checkbox

Hi everyone,
just got my Pepwave Surf SOHO MK3 (Firmware 7.1.1 build 1342) and I like it a lot!
Till now I just couldn’t find the option to enable IPv6 on the WAN port (as described in the manual on page 34)…

Do I need some specific settings to make the IPv6 checkbox appear or was I wrong about the IPv6 support of the Surf SOHO MK3?

Thanks for every hint & all the help in advance!
Greetings, Jonas


SOHO MK3 doesn’t support IPv6 pass-through mode. We have fix the manual to be more precisely explaining the feature for SOHO MK3.

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Thanks @sitloongs for the information!
So I cannot have this feature with the SOHO MK3 - it’s a little disappointing, since I was counting on it…