Assign low priority to mobile devices, apart a few execeptions

To balance load, each device will be assigned a static IP, and all mobile devices will be DHCP assigned in a IP pool with low priority/low performance WAN, however some mobile devices should be excluded from this. The only known data of these devices will be MAC address.
How can I create some exceptions in a rule?

Believe this is your network connectivity:-

Mobile users —> AP ---------------> Switch ----------> Balance router (WAN1) —> Internet
--------------------Wired devices —>--------------------------------------(WAN2) —>

WAN1 = High throughput
WAN2 = Low throughput

The best way is separating the mobile devices into another Vlan. Below is the steps.

  1. Create new Vlan on Balance router. Example Vlan 2. This is the Vlan for mobile users.

  1. Create new Vlan 2 and configure the appropriate trunk and access ports in switch.

  2. Create Outbound Policies below.

Hope this help.

Great! So I can use Mac Address to prioritize some users?


As long as the device is connected same broadcast domain with the Balance LAN interface then you can use outbound policy by MAC address.

Thank You

This router is amazing! (and the staff too)


I have started thinking of this approach, but wouldn’t it be easier if the router could apply priorities to IP ranges? VLANs may be tricky…BTW there’s only one L2 switch in our organization…

This is your choice. If this is the preferred method, you may follow the steps below.

  1. Ensure you are using Layer 2 managed switch.
    Configure Trunk port between Balance router and switch.
    Configure Trunk port between switch and AP.
    Assign Native/Untagged Vlan to all wired clients.

  2. Configure 2 SSIDs in the AP.
    SSID VIP = Untagged/Native Vlan.
    SSID Non VIP = Vlan2

  3. Configure Outbound Policies to route Untagged Vlan subnet to WAN1 and route Vlan2 subnet to WAN2.

Hope this help.

Thank you mate, to make things easier I am attaching a diagram and commenting our network so it may be easier to understand if we can apply this policy somehow.

We have:

  • one core switch
  • two distribution switches (in other rooms) connected to the core switch
  • 6 access points
  • 3 WANs from different ISPs
  • Peplink balance One with 3/5 WAN license
  • 30/40 average users

Computers and notebooks belonging to our organisation (priority high) connect through:

  • cables to the core switch and to the distribution switches
  • access points, 2 connected to the core switch and 4 to the distribution switches
  • these have a fixed IP BUT some of theme are DHCP assigned (we need MAC address here to make them “VIP”!)

Notebooks, Phones & tablets belonging to guests (low priority) connect through

  • access points above
  • these are DHCP assigned

I hope you can help us to configure properly the Balance One!

Thanks for the info. Anyway, the suggestion has been provided here. Let’s me provide further info on this.

1. Ensure you are using managed switches.

1.1 Configure Trunk port between Balance router and switch.

Balance One:

Core switch:
Ensure you configure Trunk port on core switch.

1.2 Configure Trunk port between switches and APs.

1.3 Assign Native/Untagged Vlan to all ports that connected to wired clients on switches.

2. Configure 2 SSIDs in the APs.

SSID Staff assigns to Untagged/Native Vlan.
SSID Guest assigns to Vlan2.

3. Configure Outbound Policies to route Untagged Vlan subnet to WAN2 and route Vlan2 subnet to WAN1.

You may adjust the WAN priority since I am not sure which is the preferred WAN link for Staff and Guest.

TK, in this scenario could I use the Windows Server DHCP server for untagged users and use the Balance One built-in DHCP server only for the VLAN?

Sure, this is supported.

Hi there, I think I am missing something! Let’s see what I have done:

  1. created a new network/VLAN in the Balance One:

  2. Balance One has 3 WANs (yellow cables) + 1 cable to the switch (red cable)

  3. I have created e new Wireless network in the Switches/Access points control panel (secondary SSID)

  4. I have configured the new network in the switch control panel (IPs are assigned automatically)

What am I missing? I am not sure what you mean for trunking the router to the switch as there’s allready a cable (red) from switch to router. Do I need a second cable?

I have found a video that explains how to configure trunk ports. Will test and will let you know.