AP's - how close is too close

Hi, I have 3 x AP ac mini’s. I intend to turn one off and have it up my sleeve for when we have a business conference in the front room (small hotel).

I have two Ap’s downstairs, about 12-15 meters apart.
I have one Ap upstairs in between the two downstairs, Its a wooden building with a few walls noise lined (a bit of metal bracing and rubber mounts to reduce noise).

If I drew a straight line from downstairs Ap to upstairs it would be about 10 meters.

Do you feel the Ap’s are too close?
Does incontrol2 cloud mgmt tune the Ap radio’s with auto sensing? If so how do I see the settings? and if I power one off do I have to power them all off to reset the radio strengths?

Thanks in advance.

I haven’t had the best of luck with the auto sensing of channel numbers, but they do quite well with dynamic power and a static channel assignment.

I believe that the APs only rescan once a day and only if there are no active associations (when configured). My iPhone email client was unable to survive the auto scan. I really didn’t spend much time on it though, I am sure it was something simple that I had done incorrectly; but my setup has been pretty solid since moving to static channels and dynamic power and that other setting (beam or scope or something).

The APs are better performing than the three apple products that they replaced. That, and the APs don’t break the rules of networking. Stealing a MAC address- come on Apple, stop it.

unfortunately my crucial devices on the network use 2.4ghz and I have quite a few wifi signals due to nearby building being a high density weekly rental building.
The devices connect to the network for a about 5-10 seconds and download any small updates and then power down again.

Anyone else have any comment for the questions?

Do you feel the Ap’s are too close?
Does incontrol2 cloud mgmt tune the Ap radio’s with auto sensing? If so how do I see the settings? and if I power one off do I have to power them all off to reset the radio strengths?

Hi evan,

you could try and tweak around abit with the 2,4ghz channels. make sure all AP’s are on the same channel tho and see if this maybe helps you out. If all AP’s are on the same group in IC2 you can manage the channels in the IC2 group. just be sure that you wont Manage them in the device and IC2 at the same time this could give you issues.