API device move and retaining settings

When using the InControl2 API to move a device between groups, how do we enable “Retaining InControl Managed settings”? This doesn’t appear to be an option in the API

This is making the device lose its SSID settings because they are managed in current group but not in target group


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For the move devices API, you may use the “retain_config” field to enable the “Retain InControl managed Settings” option.

POST /rest/o/{organization_id}/g/{group_id}/move_devices
{“data”:{“target_network_id”:0,“device_ids”:[0,1,2], “retain_config”:true}}

Hi Bonnie,

Is there a way to do this when moving between organizations? This endpoint you shared does help us move device between groups within an organization, but not within organizations:

POST /rest/o/{organization_id}/g/{group_id}/move_devices
{“data”:{“target_network_id”:0,“device_ids”:[0,1,2], “retain_config”:true}}

To move between organizations, we are using the endpoint below, which does not support the “retain_config” feature as an option.

POST [/rest/o/{organization_id}/move_devices]