API Access Question

I have a Max Transit Duo, running firmware 8.5.1 build 5708. I’ve reviewed the API docs, and while I haven’t been able to successfully connect using the API methods outlined here, I wanted to double check that I’m going down the right path.

I’m trying to gain access to the current network connections (i.e. networks), the connected IP addresses, number of users connected and signal strength.

I’m working with a programmer to hopefully access this data, but I wanted to give them as much info as possible prior to speaking with them.

As a note, there is more up to date API documentation for 8.5.0 here: https://download.peplink.com/resources/Peplink-Router-API-Documentation-for-Firmware-8.5.0.pdf

Which method are you trying? Username/password or client ID/secret?

Can you use curl to test the admin user/pass here (remember, these are not your IC2 creds, but the local device creds):

[curl] -c cookies.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d
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and ignore the brackets on the [curl] part, it seems the forum is blocking me posting that code snippet…

Thank you! I tried both username/pass as well as client ID/secret, both were denied. I’ll give it another shot when I get home and circle back.

I appreciate your help.


Works, here…

c.u.r.l. -c cookies.txt -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X POST -d ‘{“username”:“usuario”,“password”:“ReadOnly@2025”}’

“stat”: “ok”,
“GET”: 1,
“POST”: 0