Add ability to NAT with IPsec VPN - Balance 305

Hi, we have just released firmware 6.3.0 beta and in this release we have introduced IPsec NAT Policy.

We are looking forward to your feedback, to try it out, please visit the following link for more information about the beta firmware:

After upgrading to firmware 6.3.0, you can enable IPsec NAT Policy by clicking the “here” link in the Local Networks help text:

A new section will then appear in Local Networks settings, in the upper part you can define the proposed networks (that the remote IPsec gateway will see, probably the virtual NAT network), and in the lower part you can define the NAT policy, Local Network is the real network that exist on the device (e.g. LAN, VLAN, or static routes), NAT Network is the translated virtual network that you need.

Some configuration examples have been given in the Local Networks help text, if there is anything not clear, please don’t hesitate to ask and we will clean it up and push them to the final 6.3.0 GA release. Thank you so much for your patience to wait for the feature and I hope this will fit your needs :slight_smile: