Will new Verizon 150GB postpaid plan work for pepwave?

Has anyone signed up for the new Verizion 150GB postpaid hotspot plan for use on a peplink pepwave?

$80/month if adding a line or $110/month standalone

[Update: Please note the clarification by @WeiMing below]

I have not signed up for it, but I did a quick bring-your-own-device IMEI check with a Transit CAT-12 (found acceptable) and a Transit 5G (found not acceptable).




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MAX Transit 5G (MAX-TST-5GD-T-PRM) targets to be Verizon certified on Sept. 2021.


I am on one of those, and IT WORKS!

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Works for me on my MAX transit Duo.

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Can confirm. Verizon 150Gb hotspot plan works. I called Verizon and had them switch the hotspot device’s IMEI to my Transit duo’s IMEI and didnt even have to get a new ICCID.


Eric could you please elaborate on how you were able to get this plan? I am 41 days and 9 phone calls in and still am being told I can only go up to the 30 gb plan.

Does the plan work with Peplink 5g devices?