TCP ports 21, 554, 7070 open on Surf Soho during setup


I’m in the process of setting up a Surf Soho MK3 (Firmware 8.1.2s052 build 5022). The Surf Soho is connected to the LAN port of my existing router.

When I run nmap -Pn on the Soho, it shows that TCP ports 21, 554, and 7070 are open. I have not set up any port forwarding. How do I close these ports?

I new to setting up routers and any help would be greatly appreciated.



Those aren’t ports the soho would have open. Its a false positive. Something unexpected is going on here.

What do you see if you run:

nmap -p 21 --packet-trace

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Hi Martin,

Thanks for your reply.

I’ve enclosed a picture of the nmap output from the command you’ve provided.



Hmm. That doesn’t show me the results I would expect.
I’m pretty sure something else is responding to the nmap scan on those ports.

Is there any device between the LAN of your existing router and the Peplink?
When you are connected with a cable to run the nmap, where are you physically plugging you laptop into? The LAN of the firewall or a switch on the LAN of the firewall?

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Hi Martin,

re:"Is there any device between the LAN of your existing router and the Peplink?”

Your right! That’s what it was.

The unusual results were caused by me running nmap from my desktop connected to my existing router instead of being connected to the Surf Soho.

Here’s nmap -p- from within the Surf Soho LAN.

The only open ports are 8183 and 11000.

Do you know what TCP port 8183 would be used for? (11000 is used for web admin)

Thanks for your help with this.



This post should answered you. :wink:

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Hi WeiMing,

Thanks for answering my question.


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