Need assistance on working with API on nodeRed

Hello all,

I have a simple question. I am working with Node Red to setup a HTTP Request to login to my MAX BR1 mini HW 3. I send it the login command and I get back this error:

“RequestError: Hostname/IP does not match certificate’s altnames: IP: is not in the cert’s list: :

Could someone assist me with this? Is there some issue with BR1? Is there some additional configuration that I need to implement?

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You’re seeing the certificate error that is also visible if you go to in the browser.

You will need to get node red to ignore certificate errors - which is a little insecure…

Or try using the device API instead

Hello, thank you for your reply.

Yes, when I go to the web configurator, I see the error.

How do I get the device to ignore certificate errors?

Also, I can confirm that I am using the API. This error happened when I used Curl.

You said you were using the http request object in node red.

If using curl use the -k option to accept insecure certs.