Controlling Pepwave HD4 CLI Support


i’m currently using the Pepwave HD4 in an application and i’d like to be able to use the CLI to manage the router locally with a computer connected to the LAN. This would be for checking the status, link status, force LTE bands for the WWAN, etc. There is a comment in the manual that implies this exists but no details are provided. Are there any resources that I can get to allow me to understand the CLI or do i just SSH into my router and there is some help functions in it? any details on how to get started are appreciated.

Here is the only SSH / CLI guide I know of.

I would suggest you look at the full device api though. Much more data is available there:

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Hi Martin, this is exactly what i was looking for. thanks! looking through the doc it looks like everything i want to configure or control is in there. i’ll use the full API in this case.

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